The Student Year

For the Prospective Student

Student classes for 2024-25 have started. They will normally be held on Sundays closest to or on both the Full and New Moons. This means we will be gathering at least twice a month.  We also have Tradition outings and rituals several times a year. Attendance at classes during this time is important, so if you feel that you can't commit to meeting at least twice a month, then this might not be the best fit for you. The student year, also called a Rainbow Year, goes for about a year and a day. It is taught from at a basic level, and adjusted to the current level of understanding of the students in the group. Towards the end of the Rainbow Year, a student can request initiation if they desire. Please know that there is no obligation to initiate after classes are finished. Some of the classes you can expect during a student year are:


What is Wicca


Ethics & Ritual Etiquette

The Goddess in all Her aspects

The God in all His aspects

The Wheel of the Year

The Elements

Creating Sacred Space and Altars

... and a lot more!

Classes are often taught from research and personal experience. We will work with and learn from other covens within the Tradition to build a well-rounded connection between you and the rest of the members of the Tradition. Advanced classes will become available as a student initiates and then elevates through the 3 Degrees within AmTrad. If you are interested in applying to be a student, please contact me here or by emailing